A little bit about me and Farkle
Hey! I am Todd, I love Farkle Dice, design and creative work, coding, cats, and vegan pizza.
Hey! I am Todd, I love Farkle Dice, design and creative work, coding, cats, and vegan pizza.
A few details…
I’m originally from California, but Washington state has been my home since 1995. I started my career designing educational games for The Learning Company. I concentrated on teaching children K – 3 how to read, culminating with the ground breaking program “Let’s Go Read” distributed by Edmark corporation. In 2003, I founded my own company, Smart Box Games, Inc., along with a team of dedicated engineers who are compassionate about great quality and UI/UX. At Smart Box Games, we designed and released over 30 apps with Farkle Dice being one of our most commercially successful projects. Being a Farkle game designer has brought me great satisfaction and continues to be one of my favorite past times. My team and I designed Farkle Dice, Farkle Dice Halloween, and Farkle Solo and plan to build more versions.
After the success of our Farkle line, I decided to take my love for Farkle Dice and create this portal all about Farkle Dice. I will continue to grow this website for fans of the game. Drop me line if you would like to see any specific content added. todd@smartboxgames.com.
I enjoy creating, designing websites, iOS, and Android apps. I am constantly learning how to be a better Project Manager, business owner, quality assurance engineer and husband.
Projects finished
hours of experience
daily mouse clicks
Pizzas per month